Design Bamboo Flooring

If you fancy something different, then maybe take a look at our SWT boards known as Tiger Strand. This is a random mixture of both natural and coffee that offers a look that would not only be a conversation piece, but has all the attributes of a hardwearing bamboo floor that can be used anywhere. We've had customers who initially put this in one room, and have now gone on to put it throughout their properties. This is another product that is exclusively made for Simply Bamboo. If you are looking for something calmer then the SWW - white boards will be worth looking at. Made in a Whitewash look that still looks like bamboo but will lighten the mood significantly. Again many customers have uses the product throughout the house, while some have installed it in bedrooms and smaller rooms to make them look and feel bigger. Its very popular.
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  SOLID BOARD UNICLIC (Glueless) Strand Woven White Stain This is a Solid Strand Woven Uniclic board. Very, very strong. Very, very strong. Made of Bamboo strands  that gives a Random pattern Strand Woven is the most popular bamboo flooring 4 Sided Click System that is coated with a Premium...
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Strand Woven Tiger UNICLIC (Glueless) . A Tiger Stripe made up of both Coffee and Natural Colours in Matte Finish. This is a Solid Strand Woven Uniclic board in a shorter board that is 10mm thick. It wears just as well as its 14mm counterparts Very, very strong. Made of...
PREMIUM  ENGINEERED BOARD UNICLIC A Popular Colour that is between Natural and Medium Coffee. A light Oak Colour. Large Strand Woven Engineered Board that is suitable for very large areas, for use with Under Floor Heating and for those that like a wider plank. Premium Multi-Layered Wide Boards with a...